Gaining Confidence

Gaining Confidence

I love being a Hottie Aging Gracefully! It is a choice and attitude to age gracefully while loving yourself and enjoying life. In a society of Facebook, Instagram, and advertising, we find ourselves comparing ourselves to the models and celebrities on the screen. We are led to believe that this is what a gorgeous woman looks like, with no flaws. It’s so much more attractive to embrace aging, accompanied by a healthy lifestyle and outlook. That’s reality! I gain confidence by taking care of myself while recognizing and being proud of my chronological age. Self-confidence is beautiful at any age!

My special HAG is Cyndi, and I have been calling her a HAG for years, fondly, of course. We have been friends for almost 30 years. We have gone through tough times in our lives together, joy and sadness. “Cyn” has always been naturally beautiful, with very little makeup, and her outlook on life is the best part. She always strives to motivate and help a friend or stranger along, whether it’s kind words or gestures. It’s only fitting that she would introduce her HAGLife to the masses! HAGLife is a message of love and acceptance! HAG’s everywhere will fall in love with this message!

Fully embracing HAGLife has brought about so many positives in my life. From my son saying, “Mom, you’re hot!” to receiving compliments from people I have not seen in a while telling me I look better/younger than years ago. All of this, I attribute it to the right attitude!
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